Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eat more/move more, or eat less/move less?

Suppose a 200 lb male is on his feet all day and trains hard, takes in 3000 calories and burns 3500. On average, he would lose a pound of fat after only one week. Take another 200 lb male who is sedentary and gets to the gym for 3 45 minute workouts a week. This male takes in 2000 calories and burns 2500 per day. Both men should end up weighing the same at the end of the week.
   But will they look the same? What about their health? 
Let's look at the pros and cons of eating more/moving more:
1) Move more/eat more
  • More opportunity to increase bone density, lean muscle mass, and a higher calorie burn
  • Increased food intake may ensure optimal intake of protein, healthy fats, fibers, vitamins and minerals
  • Less feeling of food deprivation
  • Decreased likelihood of injuries or chronic pain associated with prolonged periods of sitting (hello sciatica!) due to weak glutes and tight hip flexors
  • Decreased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancers, you name it! Exercise IS medicine!!!!
  • Increased chance of overuse injuries and exhaustion
  • More time dedicated to movement
  • Increased chance of underestimating calorie intake, or taking in more refined or processed foods
  • Potential to decrease performance or not achieve goals due to too many types of training (ie too much cardiovascular work combined with strength training) 
  • Poor recovery
Whatever your goals may be, it is important to take the following into account:
1. What are your total daily calorie needs based on your LIFESTYLE?
2. What is the quality and quantity of your food? Is it too much for your daily activity, or too little?
3. What are you willing to change to help you achieve your goals without making sacrifices that will not be sustainable long term?

If you have any questions, please talk to any of our trainers! We aren't just here to help you train, but to live your best life!


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