Monday, August 16, 2010

Why Bother?

Did we get your attention? Great, because the key to any long-term change, whether its fat loss, muscle gain or improved general health and wellness is being able to explain exactly WHY you are bothering. Who doesn't want to look better, fit into a smaller size or have more energy and stamina? The key to long-term change and habit formation is being honest with yourself about EXACTLY why you want the changes you want and more specifically, what those changes will bring to your life. Too often we make changes because we are forced to, such as in a health emergency, or because a special event is upcoming. Take the time to write down your goals, and how they will change your life. 

If you are looking for some great cut-to-the-chase, realistic sources of information on body composition, nutrition and training, we recommend:

1) Burn the fat, feed the muscle or The Body Fat Solution ~ By Tom Venuto

2) The Fat Loss Troubleshoot and Body By Eats ~ Leigh Peele

3) Never Let Go ~ Dan John

4) Girth Control ~ Alan Argon

These resources will not only provide you with fantastic information, but reinforce the habits of healthy living into your daily life.

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