Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eat, Exercise, Enjoy: October 21st

One of the most frequently asked questions as a trainer is "What do I eat before or after I work out?" In fact, people are so confused and unsure of this topic that supplement companies have made millions by marketing and selling pre and post workout shakes and bars. Don't worry - there's no need to run to GNC before and after every workout. The goal of workout nutrition is to provide more fuel and building materials when you need them the most. It is particularly important to have one of your meals immediately after strength training because this is a critical time for muscle growth and recovery. Here are some general guidelines for pre and post workout nutrition:

1) Eat both protein and carbs in your pre and post workout meals
     *30-50 grams of protein
     *60-100 grams of carbs for the post workout meal
     * Get your first post-workout nutrition intake anytime between the end of your workout and 30   minutes after your workout.

2) You can drink your post-workout meal, as liquids are absorbed more rapidly than solid whole foods. However, you do not have to use a commercial post workout shake, you can make your own using protein powder and some milk or fruit!

3) If your goal is fat loss, focus on whole foods post workout such as a chicken breast, brown rice and plenty of vegetables. 

4) For pre-workout, try to have your meal roughly an hour before you exercise. This will vary from person to person; some will need more time to digest while others can eat very close to exercise with no side effects. Aim to have a combination of protein, carbs and fat, such as greek yogurt with berries and a 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, or a piece of whole wheat bread with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter. You can also try a bar such as Balance or Zone. 

Here's a great fall recipe that you could have alongside your post workout protein shake!

Pumpkin, Spice, Everything Nice Muffins
• 1 pkg. (18.25 oz.)
spice or carrot cake
• 1 can (15 oz.)
LIBBY'S® 100%
Pure Pumpkin
• 6 tablespoons egg
substitute or 3 large
egg whites
• 1/3 cup water
• 1 packet of instant oatmeal
Raisins, optional, but soak first

PREHEAT oven to 350ยบ.
Grease or paper-line 24 muffin cups. COMBINE cake mix,pumpkin, egg substitute and water in large mixer bowl until moistened. Beat on low speed for 30 seconds; scrape bowl.

Beat on medium speed for 2 minutes. Stir in raisins. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling 2/3 full. BAKE for 18 to 22 min. or until wooden pick inserted in centers comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack for 10
min.; remove to wire racks to cool completely. Store muffins in covered

Makes 2 dozen muffins or 18 larger muffins
Whole batch: 2205 calories, 38g fat, 37 g protein 37g fiber

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