Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Simple way to increase strength & size

I will describe a workout routine that is guaranteed to increase your lean body mass and increase your strength while minimizing your potential for injury. This work needs to be followed exactly as described. If you find that you are unsure of anything I write about here, send me an email and I will attempt to clarify.

I will present this in outline format with some brief text. It is quite self-explanatory.

You will focus only on key multi-joint compound body movements. The ones I like the best are: Squat, Dead lift, Bench press & Standing Military press

You will do auxiliary lifts that supplement the 4 major lifts described above. Here’s how you begin. Find out what your 10 rep max (weight that you could just barely do 10 reps at when close to failure) weight would be (or estimate closely) for each of the 4 major lifts. Identify your auxiliary lifts and stick with them. They are not as important so I will not talk much at all about them. You workouts are 3 days per week. You will have 1 heavy day, 1 medium day and 1 light day. That’s it. You will only have 3 workouts per week.

Each day of your workout you will perform 2 of the major lifts. You can also perform 2 auxiliary lifts each day of your workout.

Here’s how your workout will breakdown for the bench press. Let’s say your 10 rep max weight is 200 pounds for the bench press, here’s your workout.

Light Day: 50% of 10 rep max for 5 reps (100 lb for 5 reps)
Rest 60 seconds and repeat up to 7 cycles
(Light day only do 2 auxiliary exercises for 2 sets of 6-8 reps)

Medium Day: 50% of 10 rep max for 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
75% of 10 rep max for 5 reps
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times
(Medium day only do 3 auxiliary exercises for 2 sets of 6-8 reps)

Heavy Day: 50% of 10 rep max for 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
75% of 10 rep max for 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
100% of 10 rep max for 5 reps
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times
(Heavy day only do 2 auxiliary exercises for 2 sets of 6-8 reps)

*A cycle is completing the 50%, 50% and 75% or the 50%, 75% and 100% weights. For example, on your heavy day you would lift the 50% weight, rest 60 seconds, then lift the 75% weight, rest 60 seconds and then lift the 100% weight. After lifting those 3 weights on your heavy day, you then rest for 3 minutes. You would rest for 3 minutes at the completion of every cycle. You will even rest for 3 minutes after completing your 50% weight for 5 reps. You need to complete at least 3 cycles for the weight that you are lifting. Once you can complete 5 cycles, you need to increase the top weight (your 10 rep max weight) and then reset the percentages for each of the medium and light lifts. Check out this example of 2 different workouts to hopefully clarify this seemingly complex system.

Workout A: Squat & Bench press are major lifts

Workout B: Dead lift & Military press are major lifts

First 4 weeks {your 3 weights by %}:
Major lifts Auxiliary lifts

Workout A
A1. Squat: 200 {100, 150, 200} Overhead squats
A2. Bench: 180 {90, 135, 180} One-arm standing press

Workout B
B1. Dead lift: 180 {90, 135, 180} Dips
B2. Military Press: 140 {70, 105, 140} Chins and/or Curls

Squat-Bench Workout A

Light Day: Squat: 100 X 5 (5 cycles)
Bench: 90 X 5 (5 cycles)

Overhead squats: 65lb X 6 reps deep X 2 sets
One arm standing press: 40 lb X 6 X 2 sets
[Rest 60 seconds between sets and repeat up to 5 cycles]
[Squat first then Bench]
[Light day only do 2 auxiliary exercises for 2 sets of 6-8 reps]

Medium Day: Squat: 100 X 5
Squat: 150 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times
Bench: 90 X 5
Bench: 135 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Overhead squats: 65lb X 6 reps deep X 3 sets
One arm standing press: 40 lb X 6 X 3 sets
[Rest 60 seconds between sets and repeat up to 5 cycles]
[Squat first then Bench]

Heavy Day: Squat: 100 X 5
Squat: 150 X 5
Squat: 200 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Bench: 90 X 5
Bench: 135 X 5
Bench: 180 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Overhead squats: 65lb X 6 reps (deep) X 2 sets
One arm standing press: 40 lb X 6 reps X 2 sets

Dead lift-Military press Workout B

Workout B
B1. Dead lift: 180{90, 135, 180} Dips
B2. Military Press: 140 {70, 105, 140} Chins & Curls

Light Day: Dead lift: 90 X 5 (5 cycles)
Military Press: 70 X 5 (5 cycles)

Dips: body weight X 6-8 reps deep X 2 sets
Chins: body weight X 6-8 X 2 sets
[Rest 60 seconds between sets and repeat up to 5 cycles]
[Dead lift first then Military press]
[Light day only do 2 auxiliary exercises for 2 sets of 6-8 reps]

Medium Day: Dead lift: 90 X 5
Dead lift: 135 X 5
Military Press: 70 X 5
Military Press: 105 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Dips: body weight X 6 reps deep X 3 sets
Chins: body weight X 6 X 3 sets
[Rest 60 seconds between sets and repeat up to 5 cycles]
[Dead lift first then Military press]

Heavy Day: Dead lift: 90 X 5
Dead lift: 135 X 5
Dead lift: 180 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Military Press: 70 X 5
Military Press: 105 X 5
Military Press: 140 X 5
Rest 180 seconds and repeat 5-7 times

Dips: body weight X 6 reps deep X 2 sets
Chins: body weight X 6 X 2 sets

Well there you go. Get started today or send me an email because you are entirely confused. Either way, this was a very brief picture of how complex it is to design a training program. This is where using a personal trainer can make your life significantly easier.
If you can believe this, I actually simplified this description. There are other training variables you can manipulate to ensure the best response to your program. Have fun and train hard!

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