Saturday, March 27, 2010

When is it unhealthy to be skinny?

You could fall in the normal range for BMI (body mass index) but still be at risk of obesity related diseases like diabetes and heart disease. This means, you could have normal weight for your height but still be at a risk of developing the severe life threatening diseases of an obese person.

This ABC news report talks exactly about this phenomenon and mentions some well documented research. Go to this link and check it out (plus there is a funny excerpt from The Simpson's in it as well).

This report is exactly why our personal trainers design their personal training programs like they do. Send us your comments on this and get building some muscle!


P.S. Send this to your friends, they may not thank you now for doing so but you just could make them healthier.

P.S.S. Invite them to a fitness class and join them in it, on us! Send me an email if you would like to do so, or

P.S.S.S. As many as 30 million Americans are at risk. Take a look at a Mayo Clinic done on this topic. You can find that here.

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